House all your design assets, specs, and projects, and connect them in Notion. So your team can focus on designing.

Design orgs of all sizes stay nimble in Notion

“If creative people spent more time organizing the ideas they've already got, they would make more of an impact. That's where Notion comes in.”

Scott Belsky
CPO of Adobe
Organize every part of your design system
Instead of prototypes in Figma, logos in Google Drive, and tasks in Trello, create a visual hierarchy with all information — no matter the file type — side by side and easily searchable.
“Before, we had a Google doc here, a Figma file there. Now everything's linked, organized, and accessible to the whole team within our Notion workspace.”

Ken Seeno
Product Design Manager
Put your designs in context to stay aligned
Designs don't live in a vacuum. Keep user research alongside prototypes in one collaborative document. Centralize dozens of conversations with engineering and marketing to stay on top of all iterations and decisions.
“Without a tool like Notion, you run the risk of ideas not being shared and context not being captured. If you don't have those, I think you're devaluing your design efforts.”

Marie Gosal
Design Director, MetaLab
Scale your unique design process
Whether you're a product designer fielding requests from stakeholders or an agency juggling clients, Notion lets you create custom workflows for every project. So you can execute your particular brainstorming or research method, and change it up anytime.
Migrate without the hours of manual work
We have Confluence, Google Docs, Asana, and Trello importers that make it easy to move over all your files stress-free.

A workflow for every team
Notion isn’t just for designers. It’s a place for all functions to come together, with custom solutions for any problem.
Ship features faster with sprint tasks, code guidelines, bug fixes & more, all in one place.
Get your work into the world quicker with user research and cross-functional projects in Notion.
Create a mission control for your teams to plan projects, prep for 1:1s, and set goals.
Our design team has been using @NotionHQ for pipelines, task assignments and design spec. Pretty rad to see a tool so flexible.
We’re also using Notion. It’s Google Docs, Inspirations and Tasks in one place, for team. It’s a designer’s dream.
@NotionHQ is becoming the go to tool for planning and organising mine and my team planning. Is useful especially when the team and the clients are spread around the world ;) Im looking into create templates that will help with this!
Get a custom demo
If you’re a team of 100+, our Enterprise plan has advanced permissions and security features to give you more control over your workspace.